Sunday, February 27, 2011

Third Time's A Charm

Fasten your seat belts, hold on to your hats, and secure your wigs because the following is a doozy of a ride. 

In the videos below you will witness first hand the entire gamut of human emotions associated with  SUCCESSFULLY killing a chicken.

WARNING: if you are a chicken lover please refrain from watching the videos but if you like chicken soup please cut and paste the following links.


I will have to admit that one of my previous entries may have insinuated that killing a chicken was a slightly less fear inducing activity, but there is no hiding the raw emotion of terror via video.


  1. Hi Laura,
    Well I was willing to watch this video...but it said it has been removed from viewing. Apparently somone who really likes chickens, did not really like your video. Or some chicken activist group may have sent in a letter writing campaign...or perhaps some movie producer like Spielberg has decided to use it in his next blockbuster...who knows...whatever the reason, i did not get to view your latest chicken adventure. That's too bad, cause for sure, that is something I have yet to witness...especially being done by a former Girl Scout. Anyway, always excited to check out your blog. Hope you have not upgraded to killing wild boar or hippotomuses, hippotumies, hippopotomie? Nikki had a baby Girl...Abigail Maya....she was 7 pounds 1 ounce and 19 inches long. We are very excited and joyful and grateful that both the baby and mother are doing well. It is the middle of the tax season and I have to get back to the grind..but like to keep in touch with our most precious, remarkable person of my dear Laura....Keep up the life changing work you are doing...and stay safe....and congrats on the chicken acheivement...when you come home you can provide the details i missed on the removed video....Hugs...shelley and larry

  2. I am shocked that you were such a wimp when it comes to killing a chicken. I thought you were going to pass out. Let me get this right, you have no problem in opening a human chest cavity or a human skull to remove tumors or other growths but when it comes to killing a little chicken, you become a drama queen. well, I guess the end result is what counts. My sincerest congratulation for a job well done, not necessarily demonstrating superior surgical skills but nonetheless effective in the end. Just ask the chicken if the local witch doctor was able to bring it back to life.
