It started as something to do in the market near the hospital (yeah things in Sudan were THAT exciting) and then it became a new hobby which I carried on to Kenya.
King Richard, driver extraordinaire by day, beautiful woman by night
William, I mean will men be able to resist those locks?
TJ Balding, wanna be Guns-N-Roses guitarist, but settling as a back up RuPaul dancer
Phillip, field coordinator expert, who has Jermack, bounce back, beautiful hair
Kuku, I mean who doesn't want to rustle those feathers?
Hey Laura, it's Riss from Uganda (hippo tent friend) .. I lost all my email addresses so hope you get this - I have some great photos to send over. Did you see the Gorillas?? How was your trip?? Today I leave to sail the atlantic - more scary than hippo. xxxxx